re:zero season 2 – 25 (END)

This ended pretty well, but I have some gripes about this show.

The climactic moments were either rushed or underwhelming. Whether it was the OST or simply doing it too quickly some parts were just glossed over, especially the actions scenes. The whole Beatrice + Subaru + Emilia vs Great Rabbit… was so anticlimactic.

Some of the character development seemed so forced, especially Roswaal. I didn’t really get the sense of how much he loved his Sensei except for insane/inane actions.

The lack of Subaru’s dying/repeating definitely made this season less interesting but Subaru’s increasing harem and relationship development was at least interesting to watch.

Frankly, Beatrice’s part was the best part of cour of this season but even that could have been a bit better. 

A better OST would have helped a lot.

rezero s2e25arezero s2e25a2

Beatrice so kawaii here.

Yakusoku no neverland – S2 – 11 (END)

mmmm my anime intuition sense went off a lot last episode and this…

The plot was so quick… and they pretty much did 3 minutes of content that could have filled an entire movie.

They diverted from the original manga…. which is sad since it is so common now to do breaks to animate everything. This manga is so popular so why do this is a sham and a shame.

Of course it DOES make me want to read the original manga… but now I feel like I can’t suggest this show to people anymore.

Yakusoku no Neverland s2e11a

Higurashi no naku koro ni – Gou 24 (END)


so there’s going to be a follow up season this summer?!?!


This weird cliffhanger was so unexpected.

What’s with Satoko’s red-eyes yandere dragon mode?

I thought they would try to resolve this in episodes 25 and 26… because the preview said “higurashi no naku koro ni sotsu”… but I did some research and learned it is not an episode, or a movie, or ova… it’s an entire season.

They hinted at Rika realizing Satoko was involved in the new looping before the Satokowashi hen… but then it went into the explanatory arc here.

I was totally not expecting this.

higurashi gou 24a

log horizon s3 – 10

Seriously, this show always gets me hyped and pumped.

This is the setup episode for the epic episodes… but itself is epic too.

This show does an ultra great job of weaving the philosophy, world-building, character building, with the polito-socio even metaphysical-psychological aspects so well.

log horizon s310alog horizon s310a2

log horizon s310a3

So basically it’s a raid that excludes all of the higher level characters. This is an ingenius way to do the world-building as Shiroe’s conjectures about how the world works and what happened also ties into giving the younger Log Horizon members their screen time.

log horizon s310blog horizon s310clog horizon s310dlog horizon s310e

I was shock and teared at this scene. They remember the players and their interactions with them.

These people of the land revelations really brings in thoughts of not only epistemologically what we can know in a virtual vs non-virtual world (or the world using our senses vs beyond) but also ethically based on the identity of denizens of all such worlds.

I think I will re-watch this show from the beginning and do a indepth analysis of it in video and blog format as my first big project.