Log horizon (s3) episode 12 (end)

This show wins this season’s – most inspirational award… and the made me cry or almost cry the most award this season. I just love this series so much… I’m going to rewatch it from the beginning and watch it as much as I watched Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (watched the entire season 1 every week for a while).

log horizon s312a

Akatsuki so kakoiiiiiiii  in so many ways. Also blue hair + purple eyes = win.

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Grow up, level up, become stronger.

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Tying in the whole NPC being REAL and what is a person a soul a being!

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Though not stated the whole Eirenus double raid boss with the inner one being level 35 and how the higher level adventures were reduced to level 35 was definitely notable. The whole “subject of veneration was very involved and deeper than discussed.

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I should cosplay as Li Gan.