Shiroi Suna no Aquatope (1-12)

PA works’ stuff is a hit or miss. Shirobako is still my top anime from them.

They really do well in this genre: slice of life + personal development drama involving a numinous taste from the environment both with beautifully drawn locale/scenery and the tint of super/paranatural.

Shiroi Suna no Aquatope is about two women and their dreams… but also about everyone.

I thought the show ended at episode 12… and it could have… but apparently this is the halfway point.

I really like how they took the route where not everything gets resolved in the desired way…

It reminds me of the alchemical and Jungian perspective of death and resurrection. When a way of living dies it allows for another to rise from it.

(will put up other screenshots later, they’re elsewhere)

Shiroi Suna no Aquatope - 11aShiroi Suna no Aquatope - 12bShiroi Suna no Aquatope - 12b2