The Legend of Heroes – Sen no Kiseki (Trails of Cold Steel) – Northern War – episode 3.

In this episode, Lavi and her squad infiltrate the Western Erebonian city of Ordis. They came to learn about their enemy only to see that there is quotidian peace as well as civil unrest. And despite being in enemy territory, they save the day. It’s a classic storyline of learning that the peoples of the enemy state is not too different from you. I see this commonly in Japanese anime and such perhaps more-so than American such and such (but I don’t really watch much American stuff at all). It leads me to recall recent writings I read about describing the Japanese psyche as being multi-perspectival at baseline which yields a different foundation and process.

We also get to see more of Lavi being かっこいい . We also have “cameo” appearances of Crossbell’s mascot character Mishy.

But what excited me the most was the first appearance of a character from the original tetralogy. And loveliness, it was one of my favoritest, Altina Orion. She’s my PICK in Sen no Kiseki IV. She is one of the characters that get one of the most (and better) character developments and frankly I just like her.

I think I should just focus my anime blog writings on the series/shows that I like the most.

This makes me want to go back and replay all the games to prepare for Trails into Reverie in July. (And engage with all of the side content such as the drama CDs).

Though honestly, this show isn’t that great by itself and would not do well as a standalone. It must be enjoyed as part of the bigger series.

Lavi being かっこいい

My fav Altina.

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