aobuta – 09-10

the nodoka / mai arc.

I’ve come to accept that I am a super ZR fan, especially thigh high, especially with a garter. nodoka (mai)’s ZR s perfect here.

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Very good exposition of the complex (well there were probably 2 highly related ones on nodoka’s part) and individuation / separating from the parent.

aobuta – 07-08

What Jungian concept can I pull from the futaba (Seishun Buta Yarō wa Rojikaru Witchi no Yume o Minai (青春ブタ野郎はロジカルウィッチの夢を見ない) arc?

Futaba manifested another ie her exhibitionist Shadow Persona and split from her. It’s a bit complicated since Futaba did manage to integrate back this Shadow, but the scene where she wanted the account deleted was too quick. Also, the deeper underlying Shadow of her shame of her body was only indirectly addressed.

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As far as I know from my medical studies, this is probably not far from true pubescent female experience.

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Seishun Buta Yarō (aobuta) 04-06

episodes 4-6 covering light novel 2, koga’s arc – Seishun Buta Yarō wa Puchidebiru Kōhai no Yume o Minai (青春ブタ野郎はプチデビル後輩の夢を見ない)

This show is a treasure trove for psycho-analysis. If I ever become a Jungian psychoanalyst, or just have more time to read Jung stuff and write blogs, I will come back and to an analysis of this show.

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Apparently Laplace never used a “demon” in the thought experiment. But it’s what we have now.

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I laughed much at this scene. I really enjoy the flawless non-verbal communication.

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This is one of those anime-watcher-master reflexes – you know there’s going to be tears AND rain.

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The desire to correlate the idea of quantum entanglement with synchronicity is strong. And surely others have tried before.

Seishun Buta Yarō (aobuta) 01-03

finally getting around to watching this show. denpa recommended it to me, and I never was against watching it, but I saw mai won the best female character award in some 2018 anime awards something or other.

now that I am watching it, I am glad.

This intersection of “real magic”, quantum reality, intention, (jungian) individuation is right up my alley.

I can see why Mai won this award. She’s simultaneously a true anime gal while having realistic characteristics. aobuta 01a

The juxtaposition of her playful, sarcastic, honest, mature, innocent natures – the paradoxical self.aobuta 02

My new catchphrase.

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psst here’s a secret. i enjoy when my head is patted too.

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studies have shown this to be true. misattribution of arousal. The classic bridge experiment.

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Dean Radin’s book Real magic does a pretty good job bringing these elements together. The key point of the book is that the essence of magic is the application of intention and attention and modulated by belief, imagination, emotion, and clarity.

This connects well to core existentialist modes of thought and I purport with the Jungian concepts of individuation.

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The flow.

Re: Correlate with Jungian and sociological concepts of collective consciousness.

But in the end, it is the intentional act of the self to seek the Self.

This is a major reason I love anime – such common placements of such topics – with such depths to be explored.