Higurashi no naku koro ni – Gou – 21

Wow. I had to revisit the entire season and realize it ALL makes sense from what was explained this episode.

Clever, clever, clever… the inconsistencies from the past Gou cycles are beginning to unravel.

The amount of resolve Satoko has is amazing… but it looks like the story will be that it was… uh subsumed by this… being somehow maybe related to Hanyu.

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Log Horizon S3 E 07

I wanted more out of this arc (it is rushed as I noted before).

Akatsuki being… Akatsuki. ❤

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Krusty gets so much development in this arc… and they somewhat did it justice here.

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Kanami ending it like Ka-pow!

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Elias’ thing here was actually quite moving… definitely much better in the LN.

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What a lesson here…

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Higurashi no naku koro ni Gou – 20

So this arc, this chapter explains the reason/existence of this Gou chapter. The ending left off with cliffhangers and interesting possible plot points… that I hope the will explain well.

It was idyllic yet strange to see the 5 years older versions of the main crew.

And is this older Hanyu? … or uh physically matured 5 years Hanyu??

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log horizon – season 3 – 06

I expected them to cram in this novel into one episode like how did with “Kanami, go east!” but it looks like they’ll do two instead…

They skip so much material from the novel and it is unfortunate because you get a lot of Elias and Krusty character development.

But it looks like they’ll be able to animate the next web-novel “夜啼鳥の唄 (Naichingūru no Uta) (Nightingale’s Song)” to fit this season into one cour.

I wish they would re-do the Kanami focused novels into full length novels.

I predicted they would cut out a lot of Krusty’s inner monologue, which was actually one of the best parts of this novel.

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