Mobile Suit Gundam – The Witch from Mercy 04

The Gundam shows are always great for bringing up topics like bullying, injustice-justice, power-confidence-weakness…

Awesome character.

Supporting and supported by another awesome character. They wouldn’t be as awesome by themselves.

Wow this scene was so satisfying.

Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun S3 – 1-3

This is one of those shows I first read about and thought… wow this will be dumb. 1/3 way into episode of season 1 I noted all the tropes. But before the end of the episode I knew this was high quality. Highest quality.

I am not exaggerating when I say it is the epitome of all that is great of so many modern-casual anime with daily life / comedy tropes but done with ultra high quality, artistry, and… casualness.

The setup and background is silly… but it grows on you so quickly. The protagonist is so mehhhh but instead of that being a negative it actually ADDS to the story.

It’s high class when they can tell an ENTIRE backstory in minutes and make me emotional with one scene and one image.


Something about Bachiko is so rich. From her crass talking to knowing her own talents to being wishful then wistful then being downcast then to… this. 

Oh and this show is SO marathonable AND Rewatchable. This may be a S rank for me.

Mobile Suit Gundam – The Witch from Mercury 00-03

Mobile Suit Gundam – The Witch from Mercury
I’ve watched a lot of anime over the years.
I don’t remember the last time the prologue episode was this well done and this riveting. This 23 minute episode was absolutely amazing. (I hope this isn’t a case of the first episode being ultra good and the rest being not as good… we shall see.)
Equally amazing is that the Mobile Suit Gundam series has been going on since 1979 and is such an iconic piece of anime and Japanese culture.


(I wrote the above part after prologue).

Welp. It’s official – this show is ultra great. 

MUST Watch.



Yowamushi Pedal: Limit Break (Season 5) Episode 1 (Episode 113)

I’m back!

ごめん for being away for so long. 

Summer season wasn’t that great so it gave me a chance to recalibrate.

I’ve been taking Japanese classes (something I regret not doing 20 years ago) and am going to be transitioning this project to include my Japanese learning journey, the anime, and more exploration.

For now, I am excited YowaPeda is back! It was a day in their world but years for us!

This is such a great competition anime and I’m glad to see Onoda Sakamichi and the rest again.

Note: I’ll be using YowaPeda the shorthand and using the total series episodes mostly instead of Limit Break and Season 5.

As always, this show has so many screenshott-able moments.

I’m glad they did a review/recap in the beginning.

YowaPeda S5E01.E113aYowaPeda S5E01.E113bYowaPeda S5E01.E113cYowaPeda S5E01.E113dYowaPeda S5E01.E113e