sword art online S3 – 08


yes, the story line was good.


sao alicization 08bsao alicization 08c

kajiura yuki’s music usually has a distinct flavor to it that is usually toned down (on purpose i think) in SAO, but it seeped out during/after the fight scene.

ah i want to meet her.

sao alicization 08dsao alicization 08d2

it’s funny how the eastern predilection for imagination and intuition highlights the concept of intention, images, meaning and yet there are many modern western people now catching on to its importance… whether they know or not that it was always there and whether they acknowledge its presence in the east (and other “non modern” cultures). what carl jung would say if he watched anime. i think he would have watched a lot. maybe i should become a jungian analysis/commentator on anime.

sao alicization 08e

this scene was cool… but way too short.

gyakuten saiban – S2 – 02-04


what a whirlwind.

my complaints of this show still stand, and i realize won’t change. the pace is really hectic and the trial parts aren’t heavy enough. the comedy is done well though.

but mayoi is really the highlight of this show.

it looks like the next 2 episodes are anime-original. i get the sense there will be more of that this season.

Gyakuten Saiban s2 02aGyakuten Saiban s2 04aGyakuten Saiban s2 04a2Gyakuten Saiban s2 04bGyakuten Saiban s2 04c

Gyakuten Saiban s2 05aGyakuten Saiban s2 05a2
Gyakuten Saiban s2 03a

godot… perhaps the most tragic character here

Gyakuten Saiban s2 05b

sword art online – alicization (S3) – 06-07



SAO started out as entertaining, but it passed into my field of inspiration.

sao alicization 06c

sci-fi (possible true science in the future) meets philosophy of identity and ethics

sao alicization 06d


sao alicization 07asao alicization 07a2

so… how does one increase their system control authority

sao alicization 07b

…. like reality! except augmented!

sao alicization 07d

to aru majutsu no index iii – 06


absolutely craziness. i had to do so much wiki reading to keep track of what was going on.  so much happens, all at once, without explanation. i need to rewatch this arc

but really i need to rewatch it all. i ordered the first LN on amazon.

toaru index iii 06a

how i feel after watching this

toaru index iii 06c


toaru index iii 06d

ok misaka last order…